27,Jan.05 (木) 00:57
Well I followed her upt to the station / with a suitcase in my hand / well I followed her up to the station / with asuitcase in my hand / well it's so hard to tell, hard to tell "All my love's in vain"
彼女の鞄をもって駅まで見送りに行く。 さて彼女との別れだ。 そうとも男は告げなくちゃいけない。 「無駄な時間を過ごしちまったな、俺たち・・・」

Well the train gets into the station / I looked her in her eyes / when the train gets into the station / I looked her in her eyes / well I feel so lonesome, so lonesome / I can't help but cry
さて列車が駅に入ってくる。 オレは彼女の目から彼女を見てみたんだ。 そうさ彼女の方から彼女を見てみた。 なんてこったい、さみし過ぎるよ。 そうさ泣かずにゃいらんねえ

Well the train get out from the station / there's two lights on behind / well the train get out from the station / there's two lights on behind / the blue lights was my baby, and the red light was my mind ... all my love's in vain

(by Robert Johnson)